Dr. Svetlana V. Feigin completed her PhD in Psychology at the University of Auckland and subsequently lectured and coordinated papers as well as managed several research projects at the School of Population Health.  Her work related to the study of altruistic behavior has helped define several aspects of that area of human psychology. She has also lectured and managed numerous research projects at the Auckland University of Technology. Over the past several years, she has served assistant editor of Neuroepidemiology, a high-profile medical journal based in Basel, Switzerland. Her research and publications focus on human empathy and altruism, the personal experiences of activists, social psychology, end-of-life care, ethics, forensic psychology, quantitative research methods and solutions to climate change. Her book entitled The Reaction Time Method and False Responding: A study examining the validity of a Reaction Time (RT) method and its sensitivity to false responding has been published in 7 languages.  She is passionate and devoted to the issues of animal and environmental protection.