An All Life Institute White Paper formed the basis for a major new study in which prominent scientists from around the world developed a new strategy for addressing climate change. The study “Proposed solutions to anthropogenic climate change: a systematic literature review and a new way forward” (press release and infographic), demonstrates that solving climate change requires rethinking our food systems including a shift to a more fundamentally plant-based diet, and a global phaseout of industrialized animal farming. The authors also recommend the adoption of an All Life approach that recognizes the profound interconnectedness of all life on Earth, and a global standardization of climate change metrics. A subsequent article by the same authors published in the journal Oxford Open Climate Change entitled “Solving climate change requires changing our food systems” (press release) further emphasizes that we will not succeed on the issue of climate change unless we change the way that we produce and consume food.
Other examples of seminal works applying an All life approach to key issues include (1) “What the COVID-19 Crisis is Telling Humanity”, which was the first peer-reviewed publication to call for an end to live-wildlife markets and factory farming as necessary components of global pandemic prevention and (2) “All life Protection and Our Collective Future”, which introduced the concept of All Life Protection and described its role in changing humanity’s currently unsustainable trajectory regarding climate change and factory farming.