The All Life Institute seeks to influence society on a wide range of all life protection issues at four main levels: governmental, corporate, science/academia and the general population. In addition to providing scientific publications, blueprints and policy briefs that supply the road maps for change, the Institute helps to organize and catalyze activist entities, industries, governments and the general public to collectively implement such change in society. Policy reports and recommendations are designed to buttress current and future lobbying efforts by giving advocates and lawmakers detailed analyses and research that are relevant to deliberations over substantive legislation.
A commitment to outcomes that improve societal rules and values married to a determined lobbying force are often not sufficient to achieve lasting policy outcomes. The work of the think tank is designed to provide an additional lift to public policy initiatives in the United States and worldwide by framing issues, adding multidisciplinary analyses to the debates, and delivering texture, depth, and substance to sound ideas that deserve active consideration. Every other major cause that’s made progress in recent decades has had an organizational incubator of ideas, research, and writing to ground the seriousness of reform.