An All Life perspective recognizes and invokes the profound interconnectedness of all life forms on our planet as it applies to the broad gamut of issues and associated policies and actions that affect the Earth and its inhabitants. Such an approach is urgently needed within our collective global mindset, moving us away from a human-centric paradigm to more of an All Life paradigm.

We call upon our colleagues and friends in the arenas of human, animal and environmental protection to move beyond working in separate silos, to join forces in true interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary ways, and to help forge an All Life Protection movement, involving a more advanced and inclusive concept that better unites both the protectors and life forms that we protect in the spirit of compassion for all life.

When one reflects upon the close connection of all life forms to a variety of crises that we are facing including climate change and pandemic prevention, it becomes clear that compassion for all life is not a luxury for humanity but rather a necessity.