Serge Morand, Ph.D. utilizes his expertise in biodiversity, climate change, ecology and evolution, conservation biology and wildlife ecology to focus much of his current research on the interlinkages between biodiversity and infectious diseases at the human – animal – environment interface.  As a field ecologist, he has conducted more than thirty field trips in Southeast Asia over the last 15 years and he is leading several projects on the impacts of land use changes on health in collaboration with local communities and administrations.  Serge Morand belongs to the French CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) which is among the world's leading research institutions, currently based in Thailand at the Faculty of Veterinary Technology (Kasetsart University) and at the Faculty of Tropical Medicine (Mahidol University).  Serge Morand is member of the One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) of the One Health Quadripartite (WHO-WOAH-FAO-UNEP).