Michael Brainin, MD PhD Dr(hons) FESO FAHA FEAN FWSO, is Emeritus Professor and Chair of Clinical Neurosciences and Preventive Medicine at the Danube University Krems in Austria. He is a well-known pioneer in stroke research and prevention as well as a leading figure in the development of stroke units. He is past president of the Austrian Stroke Society, the European Stroke Organization and the World Stroke Organization. Dr. Brainin was chairman of the Scientific Committee of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, associate editor of the ‘European Journal of Neurology’, senor consulting editor of ‘Stroke’ and founder and editor of the World Stroke Academy, a web-based learning platform for the WSO. He has acted as PI or co-PI in numerous stroke-related drug and intervention trials, has published over 250  pub-med listed papers, edited three textbooks on stroke, and has given more than 1,000 invited lectures. His scopus h-index is 62  and scopus citations are +40.000.  He holds several honorary doctorates, fellowships and honorary memberships from scientific societies including the French Neurological Society, the Hungarian Stroke Society, the Brazil Stroke Society and the Stroke Society of Korea. (Orcid: 0000-0001-8363-4962).